Big Rivers Electric Corporation

Big Rivers Electric Corporation

Watershed Geo recently worked with Big Rivers Electric Corporation on the final closure of Phase 1 of their Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) landfill located in Centertown, Kentucky. When deciding the best closure system for this project, Big Rivers chose...
Rush Island Energy Center Ash Pond Closure

Rush Island Energy Center Ash Pond Closure

Ameren Corporation, a Missouri and Illinois power company, chose to use ClosureTurf® for their 111-acre Rush Island Ash Pond Closure located in Festus, MO. Rush Island is the third-largest energy center operated by Ameren Missouri. ClosureTurf helped to eliminate many...
Asbury Power Plant

Asbury Power Plant

Asbury Power Plant chose ClosureTurf® as their final cover system to address and solve soil erosion, slope integrity, installation and maintenance cost control, EPA regulation compliance, and longevity and appearance of the final landfill cover.  In 2022, Liberty...