CPRA and The Water Institute Announce Recipients of Applied Research Grants and Coastal Innovation Partnership Program Endorsements
Jun 2, 2015 — Baton Rouge — For the third consecutive year, the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA), in collaboration with The Water Institute of the Gulf (the Institute), is announcing the results of two programs focused on fostering applied research and identifying innovations that will enable CPRA to more effectively protect and restore coastal Louisiana.
The endorsed innovations for the 2015 solicitation are:
HydroTurf® Advanced Revetment Technology
Watershed Geosynthetics LLC
HydroTurf Technology was developed as an engineered revetment solution for protecting the landward side of levees and embankments from wave overtopping. It is a unique fiber-reinforced concrete revetment solution consisting of a high-friction, impermeable geomembrane layer with an integrated drainage layer overlain by an engineered synthetic turf.